Control motors,Leds,Relays or Motor Driver like lm298 using ESP8266 NodeMcu WiFi UDP with RoboRemo App

 //   Android/fruitPhone Controlled WiFi Car  
 // ESP 8266 NodeMcu V1.0 PWM Servo Control Via WiFi UDP  
 // Using Free Android or iOS App   "RoboRemo"  
   // for Controlling LM298 module with 3 pins (one channel)
//I have uploaded another sketch after this one see this link with LM298 pins included
 //       My Blog :  
 //  My youtube Channel:  
 //  Libraries Required for this to work  
 #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>  
 #include <WiFiUdp.h>  
 #include <Servo.h>  
 // Settings for the WIFI:  
 const char* ssid = "mywifi";      // Set WiFi Name of WiFi Router/AP/HotSpot AND Esp8266 will connect TO it  
 const char* password = "12345678";   // Set PassWord For WiFi  
 unsigned int localPort = 9876;     // Set port number       
   // if it's not working first ensure the following things  
   // to use it in Local network i.e. in the same wifi "client Isolation" should be turned off in the Wifi Router's settings   
   // otherwise even if both the phone and the esp8266 are connected to the wifi they will not be able to "talk to each-other"  
   // to use it from the Internet the port should be forwarded in the WiFi router's settings  
 // Settings for Servo using Servo library  
 const int chCount = 4;           // 4 channels,total number of channels is 4 and 4 GPIOs will be used  
 Servo servoCh[chCount];  
 int chPin[] = {5, 4, 14, 12};       // ESP8266 12E NODE MCU DevKit V1.0 pins: GPIO 5, 4, 14, 12  
                       // on my NODE MCU board they are marked D1 D2 D5 D6 respectively  
                       // IN THE App first channel "ID" is Ch 0 = 5   ch 1 = 4  ch 2 = 14  ch 3 = 12  
 int chVal[] = {1600, 1600, 1600, 1600}; // default value in micro-seconds for PWM signals (middle)  
 int usMin = 700;             // min pulse micro seconds  
 int usMax = 2600;            // max pulse micro seconds  
 char cmd[40];     // Make a character array/C string to store the Contents Read from the received UDP Packet  
             // Cmd is the name of the UDP packet Buffer in which the command which is received is stored  
 unsigned long lastCmdTime = 60000;  
 unsigned long aliveSentTime = 0;  
 WiFiUDP port;  
 void setup() {  
  Serial.println("Connecting to ");  
  WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA);         //Set Esp8266 in Station mode   
                     //it can work without this line but necessary for preventing Ap mode (happened in my case )  
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);     // Connect to WiFi network  
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {  
   Serial.println("trying to connect");     
   //first CHECK the SSID,PASSWORD in the SKETCH it should be your WIFI name/ssid and PASSWORD  
   //second every-time after uploading a sketch reset esp8266 once or disconnect from power and connect again   
   //and in the second case to view the serial data again   
   //select the device port in Arduino IDE again and turn off/on Serial monitor   
  Serial.println("WiFi connected");  
  Serial.print("Use this Ip and Port in RoboRemoApp to connect: ");     //Print the IP address and port number  
 void loop() {  
   if (millis() - lastCmdTime > 500) {     
     // All PWM values will Return to Default Values 500 milli seconds after the time of Last Received Command   
     // So all PWM signals will return to default values if there is No New Command  
   for (int i = 1; i <= 3; ) {         
    // set i to 0,1,2 or 3 (if connected to servo and want it to stay at the last commanded position)  
    // and rest of the pins PWM signals will return to default values if there is No New Command  
   // Comment out these two lines  if you just want to turn the Pwm signals off immediately   
   // and Uncomment if you also want the servo to return to mid but then servo.detach below should be commented  
   // because servo.detach turns the pins off immediately and does'nt give the servo enough time to return to mid

   // servoCh[i].attach(chPin[i]);   
   // servoCh[i].writeMicroseconds(1600 );      
    servoCh[i].detach();    // Turns OFF the Pins      
    // comment it out if want the servo to Return to it's mid Position Quickly   
    // because this loop runs over and over again quickly and the servos need some time to   
    //physically move and PWM should be ON during that period   
    // because this line turns off the pin before moving to i++ and changing the pin number  
  int packetSize = port.parsePacket();  // Declaring an int for getting Packet Size  
  if (packetSize > 0) { // if Packet Size is more than zero or if there is some command received then  
 , 40); // Read the Received UDP Packet   
              //and Put the Contents,the channel number and value in the Cmd (array/C string)  
   // Serial.println(cmd);   // Print the recieved cmd   
   if (cmd[0] == 'c' && cmd[1] == 'h') {    
              // if the command starts with the caracter c and the second character is h  
    exeCmd();     // Execute the execmd function which is at the end of the loop  
   if (millis() - aliveSentTime > 1000) {         
   // an "alive" signal is sent periodically to the phone to know the connection state  
   // in the RoboRemo app from "edit UI" option add an "led" or a "text log box" set the ID  
   // to "alive" or can be changed but for the text box if left empty the received text will be shown  
    exeReply();                    // Execute exeReply function At the end of the loop  
  void exeCmd() {     // exeCmd function when called from the loop Reads the channel number and value and sends PWM signals  
  lastCmdTime = millis();  
  int ch = cmd[2] - '0' ; // Channel Number  
  int chVl = 0;      // Channel Value temporarily store it in this and then move to Array chVal[] which is already declared at the top  
  int i = 4;  
  while ( isdigit( cmd[i] ) ) {    // if the 4th character in the Array is a Number  
                     //get the number and Calculate all the digits in to a single 4 digit number  
   chVl = (chVl * 10) + (cmd[i] - '0');  
   chVal[ch] = chVl;  
  if (ch >= 0 && ch <= 9 && cmd[3] == ' ') { //if channel value is between 0 and 9 send PWM Signals using Channel Value  
   if (!servoCh[ch].attached()) {  
    servoCh[ch].attach(chPin[ch], usMin, usMax);  
  Serial.print ("channel Number : ");  
  Serial.println (ch);  
  Serial.print ("channel Value : ");  
  Serial.println (chVal[ch]);  
 void exeReply() {  
 port.beginPacket(port.remoteIP(),localPort);   // Send "Alive 1" back to the App to light up the "led" in the App GUI   
                         // Alive is the "id" for "LED" and "1" is the On command /n" will be ignored   
   port.write("alive 1\n");  
   aliveSentTime = millis();  
   Serial.print("alive sent");  