D.I.Y. RC Plane/ Home-made Rc plane from Card Board and Hot Glue (fuselage) 01

I have never made a plane before and I have flown only 2-channel Rc planes before, approx. 10 years back. Having just two controls,the throttle and the yaw.  

There were no servo motors and only two small motors with propellers. Yaw was achieved by changing the throttle on both sides and it was really hard to control. 

Then after many years I flew a quad-copter,first, a Nano-quadcopter and then a big one . 

Then I thought about making an RC plane and read/watched a-lot of things on-line.but then I couldn't find the foam sheets which are normally used to do this.So now, I'm trying to make it with a card board.

Obviously, it's weight can be and it is, a-lot more as compared to the "usual" foam sheets but I still carried on with it thinking, it will definitely teach me some things about making Rc planes and the future ones might even takeoff more than once :)

However, I have a strong "will" to make it fly (multiple times )no-matter how much "thrust" it requires.

I just want to see this "thing" fly.


ESP8266 Node MCU (12E) Internet/WiFi Controlled robot/rover using Lm298 H-bridge Motor driver TEST-01

 //   Android/fruitPhone Controlled WiFi Car  
 // ESP 8266 NodeMcu V1.0 PWM Servo/ LM298 H-bridge Control Via WiFi UDP  
 // Using Free Android or iOS App   "RoboRemo"  
 //       My Blog :  https://amkDiyProjects.BlogSpot.com  
 //  My youtube Channel:  https://youtube.com/CrazyGuyOfficial  
 //  Libraries Required for this to work  
 #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>  
 #include <WiFiUdp.h>  
 #include <Servo.h>  
 // Settings for the WIFI:  
 const char* ssid = "myWifi";      // Set WiFi Name of WiFi Router/AP/HotSpot AND Esp8266 will connect TO it  
 const char* password = "12345678";   // Set PassWord For WiFi  
 unsigned int localPort = 9876;     // Set port number  
 // Settings for Servo using Servo library  
 const int chCount = 3;  
 Servo servoCh[chCount];  
 int chPin[] = {5, 4, 14};  
 int chVal[] = {1600, 1600, 1600}; // default value in microSeconds for PWM signals (middle)  
 int usMin = 700;         // min pulse micro seconds  
 int usMax = 2600;         // max pulse micro seconds  
 // LM298 H-bridge Motor Driver Pins and Settings for one channel   
 int enA = 12 ;         // Pwm signal Pin used to control Motor Speed (Lm298)  
 int IN1 = 13 ;         // IN1 IN2 pins on lm298 to control Motor's direction of rotation   
 int IN2 = 15 ;  
 int mid = 1024 ;         // Default PWM value for enA pin  
 char cmd[40];       
 // Make a character array/C string to store the Contents Read from the received UDP Packet  
 // Cmd is the name of the UDP packet Buffer in which the command which is received is stored  
 unsigned long lastCmdTime = 60000;  
 unsigned long aliveSentTime = 0;  
 WiFiUDP port;  
 void setup() {  
  pinMode(enA, OUTPUT);  
  pinMode(IN1, OUTPUT);  
  pinMode(IN2, OUTPUT);  
  digitalWrite(enA, LOW);  
  digitalWrite(IN1, LOW);  
  digitalWrite (IN2, LOW);  
  Serial.println("Connecting to ");  
  WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA);         //Set Esp8266 in Station mode  
  //it can work without this line but necessary for preventing Ap mode (happened in my case )  
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);     // Connect to WiFi network  
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {  
   Serial.println("trying to connect");  
  Serial.println("WiFi connected");  
  Serial.print("Use this Ip and Port in RoboRemoApp to connect: ");     //Print the IP address and port number  
 void loop() {  
  if (millis() - lastCmdTime > 500) {  
   analogWrite(enA, 0);  // Write 0 or turn off the pwm signal to the lm298's enA pin so motor stops   
   digitalWrite(IN1, LOW);  
   digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);  
   for (int i = 0; i <= 2; ) {  
    servoCh[i].detach(); // Turns OFF all the Pins declared in servo library settings above  
  int packetSize = port.parsePacket();  // Declaring an int for getting Packet Size  
  if (packetSize > 0) {  
   port.read(cmd, 40);  
   //Serial.println(cmd);   // Print the recieved cmd  
   if (cmd[0] == 'f' && cmd[1] == 'b') {  // if the recieved command string contains the channel id "fb" (forward/backwards)  
    exeFB();               // execute the function "FB" so all the pins required to control lm298 can operate   
   if (cmd[0] == 'c' && cmd[1] == 'h') {  // if the recieved command string contains the channel id "ch"  
    exeServo();   // execute the servo function  
             //so Pwm signals according to the channel number can be sent to servos  
             // via the GPIO pins declared above in the servo library settings  
   if (millis() - aliveSentTime > 1000) {  
    // an "alive" signal is sent periodically to the phone to know the connection state  
    // in the RoboRemo app from "edit UI" option add an "led" or a "text log box" set the ID  
    // to "alive" or can be changed but for the text box if left empty the received text will be shown  
    exeReply();                    // Execute exeReply function At the end of the loop  
 void exeFB() {  
  lastCmdTime = millis();  
  int fb = cmd[2] - '0' ;  
  int fbVl = 0;  
  int i = 4;  
  while ( isdigit( cmd[i] ) ) {    // if the 4th character in the Array is a Number  
   //get the number and Calculate all the digits in to a single 4 digit number  
   fbVl = (fbVl * 10) + (cmd[i] - '0');  
  if (fb == 3 && cmd[3] == ' ' && fbVl > mid) { // forward motor direction   
   digitalWrite(IN1, HIGH);         // set LM298 channel one motor direction  
   digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);  
   int FWD = map(fbVl, 1025, 2048, 0, 1024); // map the channel value number to a number between 0-1024  
                        // for writing Pwm to pin enA   
   Serial.print("FWD :");  
   analogWrite(enA, FWD);         // write pwm  
  if (fb == 3 && cmd[3] == ' ' && fbVl < mid) {    // backwards motor direction  
   digitalWrite(IN1, LOW);              // set pins for reverse direction  
   digitalWrite(IN2, HIGH);  
   int BKW = map(fbVl, 1024, 0, 0, 1024);       //map value   
   Serial.print("BKW :");                
   analogWrite(enA, BKW);              //write PWM   
  Serial.print ("fb Number : ");  
  Serial.println (fb);  
  Serial.print ("fbVl : ");  
  Serial.println (fbVl);  
 void exeServo() {     // exeCmd function when called from the loop Reads the channel number and value and sends PWM signals  
  lastCmdTime = millis();  
  int ch = cmd[2] - '0' ; // Channel Number  
  int chVl = 0;      // Channel Value temporarily store it in this and then move to Array chVal[] which is already   
              // declared at the top  
  int i = 4;  
  while ( isdigit( cmd[i] ) ) {    // if the 4th character in the Array is a Number  
   //get the number and Calculate all the digits in to a single 4 digit number  
   chVl = (chVl * 10) + (cmd[i] - '0');  
   chVal[ch] = chVl;  
  if (ch >= 0 && ch <= 2 && cmd[3] == ' ') { //if channel value is between 0 and 9 send PWM Signals using Channel Value  
   if (!servoCh[ch].attached()) {  
    servoCh[ch].attach(chPin[ch], usMin, usMax);  
  Serial.print ("channel Number : ");  
  Serial.println (ch);  
  Serial.print ("chVl : ");  
  Serial.println (chVl);  
 void exeReply() {  
  port.beginPacket(port.remoteIP(), localPort);  // Send "Alive 1" back to the App to light up the "led" in the App GUI  
  // Alive is the "id" for "LED" and "1" is the On command /n" will be ignored  
  port.write("alive 1\n");  
  aliveSentTime = millis();  
  Serial.println("alive sent");  